Precedent Details

ECU Course: W74 Bachelor of Psychology

Version Number: 3
Precedent ID: 34163
Country: SRI LANKA

Specified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning

ECU Unit(s)
PSY1101 (Introduction to Psychology)
PSY1115 (Psychology of Motivation and Emotion)
PSY1204 (Social Determinants of Behaviour)
PSY1210 (Biopsychology, Sensation and Perception)
PSY2102 (Fundamentals of Psychological Inquiry)
PSY2105 (Psychology of Personality and Individual Differences)
PSY2204 (Learning, Memory and Cognition)
PSY2231 (Developmental Psychology)
Achievement Required
ECU Unit Basis for Credit
PSY1101 CIRPSY001 Introduction to Psychology
PSY2102  CIRPSY006 Research Methods
PSY2204  CIRPSY011 Human Mind and Language
PSY1204  CIRPSY005 Social Psychology
PSY2231  CIRPSY004 Developmental Psychology
PSY2105  CIRPSY008 Personality
PSY1115  CIRPSY010 Motivation and Emotion
PSY1210  CIRPSY002 Biopsychology



Where only one year of the two-year Diploma of Higher Education has been completed, students will be eligible to receive up to a maximum of 4 units (60 Credit Points) of specified credit as noted below.

ECU Unit Basis for Credit
PSY1101 CIRPSY001 Introduction to Psychology
PSY1115  CIRPSY010 Motivation and Emotion
PSY1204  CIRPSY005 Social Psychology
PSY1210  CIRPSY002 Biopsychology

Unspecified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning

Description Number of credit points awarded

Achievement Required


Where only one year of the two-year Diploma of Higher Education has been completed, students will be eligible to receive up to a maximum of 4 units (60 Credit Points) of unspecified credit.


Total credit points required for ECU course: 360
Credit points granted: Up to a maximum of 240
Total credit points required to complete ECU course: Minimum of 120
ECU course duration (in years, based on full-time enrolment): 3
Years to complete ECU course (in years, based on full-time enrolment): 1


The reduction in course duration noted above, is based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL only. Students are encouraged to request a personalised course planner from the Hub, for an accurate indication of any reduction in course duration. The course planner will be based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL, the course structure itself, and will take into account how units are timetabled and any unit prerequisite requirements.


Upon successful completion of one of the below Diplomas from the Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology (CIRP), up to 16 units (240 Credit Points) of Credit for Recognition of Prior Learning may be awarded into the W74.3 Bachelor of Psychology where only a single major has been nominated.

  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology and Business 
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology and HRM 
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology and Marketing 
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology and Sports Science 
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology and Childcare
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology and Counselling 
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Psychology and Criminology

Should the full Diploma not be completed at Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology (CIRP), the full amount of advanced standing may not be granted.

Should  a double major be nominated, the full amount of advanced standing may not be granted.