Precedent Details

ECU Course: W23 Bachelor of Commerce

Version Number: 9
Precedent ID: 33740

Specified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning

ECU Unit(s)
SBL1100 (Foundations of Business)
SBL1200 (Accounting and Finance Essentials)
SBL1300 (Business Environments & Markets)
SBL1400 (Introduction to Business Analytics)
SBL1500 (Ethics and Responsibility in Business)
SBL1800 (Work and Career)
Achievement Required

In addition to the core units above, students may be entitled to receive specific major units in lieu of unspecified elective credit. Refer to the table below for more information.

Unspecified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning

Description Number of credit points awarded

Achievement Required

Should appropriate majors be nominated, the 30 Credit Points of Unspecified Electives may be replaced with a maximum of two of the corresponding major units listed below.


 Nominated Major  Eligible Major Unit
 Health Management (MAAAJN)  MAN2145 Human Resource Management
 Management (MAAAAN)  MAN2120 Organisational Behaviour
 Sport Business (MAAAJL)  SPM2111 Sport Organisation Management
 Event Management (MAAAHD)  SPM3655 Sport and Events Funding and Finance
 Marketing Major (MAAACX)  MKT2605 Promotional Marketing
 Entrepreneurship (MAAAKI)  MAN3705 International Negotiation
 Marketing for the Creative Arts (MAAALP)  ADM2600 Arts Organisation Management
 International Hotel and Resort Management Major (MAAAKN)

 MAN2145 Human Resource Management

 Tourism and Hospitality Management Major (MABUUU)  MAN2145 Human Resource Management


The below majors do not award additional specified units. The original 30 CP toward Unspecified Electives will be awarded instead, should course structure permit. Should an additional major or minor be selected, the full amount of CRPL may not apply.


 Law in Business (MABUUT)
 Project Management (MABUUO)
 International Business Major (MAAAAQ)
 Human Resource Management Major (MAAAAO)
 Finance (MAAAAI)



Total credit points required for ECU course: 360
Credit points granted: Up to a maximum of 120
Total credit points required to complete ECU course: Minimum of 240
ECU course duration (in years, based on full-time enrolment): 3
Years to complete ECU course (in years, based on full-time enrolment): 2


The reduction in course duration noted above, is based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL only. Students are encouraged to request a personalised course planner from the Hub, for an accurate indication of any reduction in course duration. The course planner will be based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL, the course structure itself, and will take into account how units are timetabled and any unit prerequisite requirements.


Upon successful completion of a business related AQF Diploma or equivalent international qualification, up to 8 units (120 Credit Points) of Credit for Recognition of Prior Learning (CRPL) may be awarded into the W23.9 Bachelor of Commerce. Specific credit will depend on the choice of major.

Students who are seeking to nominate a single major in Accounting in the W23 Bachelor of Commerce should refer to the relevant precedent for Accounting-specific study.

Students who have completed a Diploma related to Accounting should refer to the relevant precedent for Accounting-specific study.