ECU Unit(s) |
NUM1102 (Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives) |
NUM1203 (Health Assessment) |
NUM1204 (Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Midwifery) |
NUM1205 (Legal and Ethical Requirements in Nursing and Midwifery Practice) |
NUM2308 (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' Health and Wellness) |
NUR1101 (Nursing in the Australian Healthcare System) |
SCN1111 (Health Science 1) |
Achievement Required |
Should different units be selected, or the full Diploma not be completed, the full amount of advanced standing may not be granted.
No unspecified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning found
The reduction in course duration noted above, is based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL only. Students are encouraged to request a personalised course planner from the Hub, for an accurate indication of any reduction in course duration. The course planner will be based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL, the course structure itself, and will take into account how units are timetabled and any unit prerequisite requirements.
Upon successful completion of the Diploma of Science (Health Studies) at Edith Cowan College (ECC), up to 7 units (105 Credit Points) of Credit for Recognition of Prior Learning may be awarded into the Y76.4 Bachelor of Science (Nursing)/Bachelor of Science (Midwifery).