Precedent Details

ECU Course: U67 Bachelor of Information Technology

Version Number: 9
Precedent ID: 30854
Pre-qualified Course Title: AQF DIPLOMA [EQUIVALENT] (ICT RELATED)

Specified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning

ECU Unit(s)
CSG1105 (Applied Communications)
CSG1207 (Systems and Database Design)
CSI1101 (Computer Security)
CSI1241 (Systems Analysis)
CSP1150 (Programming Principles)
ENS1161 (Computer Fundamentals)
MAT1252 (Mathematics for Computing)
SCI1125 (Professional Science Essentials)

Unspecified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning

No unspecified Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning found


Total credit points required for ECU course: 360
Credit points granted: Up to a maximum of 120
Total credit points required to complete ECU course: Minimum of 240
ECU course duration (in years, based on full-time enrolment): 3
Years to complete ECU course (in years, based on full-time enrolment): 2


The reduction in course duration noted above, is based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL only. Students are encouraged to request a personalised course planner from the Hub, for an accurate indication of any reduction in course duration. The course planner will be based on the number of credit points granted as CRPL, the course structure itself, and will take into account how units are timetabled and any unit prerequisite requirements.


Upon successful completion of an AQF Diploma or equivalent international qualification related to the field of Information Technology/Computing, up to 8 units (120 Credit Points) of advanced standing may be awarded into the U67.9 Bachelor of Information Technology.

Students who hold higher level qualifications, such as an AQF Advanced Diploma or international equivalent, may be eligible for further credit and should provide detailed unit outlines for individual assessment.